NUBM44 is a 445 nm, 6 W laser diode. This is the highest power diode currently available. In comparison, other laser diodes at 445 nm and 450 nm have a lower specified optical power. Examples are the Osram PLTB450B (1.6 W) and PLPT9 450C (3.0 W). Note that NUBM44 is also considered a 450 nm laser diode, and the two wavelengths are often used interchangeably to describe it.

Video for Testing of a NICHIA NUBM44 / NUBM47 445 nm laser diode.

Sellers for NUBM44 Laser Diodes :

findlight Nichia NUBM44 450nm 6w 9mm Brand New .

optlasers NUBM44 – High-Power Blue Laser Diode , they sell it with 299 USD/pcs.

endurance-lasers NICHIA NUBM44 / NUBM47 laser diode with an aluminum collimator. This product is not just NUBM44 Laser Diodes, they made NUBM44 Laser Diodes into a module.

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European customers check this 6W 445nm Diode Laser sold by lasertack.

laserdiodesource sells Nichia NUBM44 Blue Laser Diode, 445nm, 6W Output Power for 350USD/pcs.