TTL stands for Transistor-transistor logic . TTL input is a form of modulation, as opposed to analog modulation. If you apply 5V signal to TTL input, laser turns on. You turn the input off, laser goes off. TTL modulation indicates that the laser does not support analog modulation of the output but only ON / OFF control. See blanking. With an RGB laser and TTL blanking you have seven colours at your disposal. Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, White.
445nm Blue Modules
Blue laser module with wavelength 445nm, 447nm, 450nm, 50mW-1000mW. It's different from 473nm pure blue laser module. These blue laser modules are ready for working, just connect them to the AC, then play it. Portable handheld blue lasers here.
New Products For January - Laser Beam Modules
Monthly Specials For January - Laser Beam Modules
Laser Grids Dot matrix Red Green Blue Laser Alignment Device 10*10=100 Grids
$699.00 $669.00Save: 4% off