White RGB Laser Device means Red Green Blue RGB three colors laser beams are combined into one single white laser beam.

RGB lasers are show laser systems with exactly three color modules: red, green and blue. It doesn't matter if the color sources are DPSS, OPSL oder Diode laser modules. By combining the three colors, whitelight laser effects are possible.
The RGB Laser Projector System features high-speed acousto-optic deflectors which control both angular position and beam intensity without any mechanically-moving elements.
RGB laser uses the so-called 'pure laser' technology. Red, green and blue lasers are delivered directly to the 3 DLP image chips. The product of this technique creates a light pipe consisting of absolutely pure light that is split into the three RGB components.
There are four main advantages of RGB pure laser projection technology over laser phosphor and xenon, and they work hand-in-hand to deliver the best possible image: color, frame rate, resolution, and operational efficiency.